/ Secrets to looking young forever
Second Floor
01/09/24-14:54 (edited)

Secrets to looking young forever

I'd love to try this out. I love switching up my routine and I would love to add these and see how they help out my skin. My tip secrets for skin that doesn't age: 1. Sun Screen, every day, all year round. If you're going out, absolutely do not skip sun screen. 2. A good hydrating serum with HA. 3. Vitamic C moisturiser, thick and creamy. Moisturise in the morning and always before bed. Top it off with an oil to lock in the moisture. 4. Exfoliating (either mechanical or chemical with retinoids) once a week. Coffee grounds work really well we an exfoliator. You can add honey and coffee grounds for a moisturising home-made exfoliant. 5. Eating healthy, keep processed food to a minimum. 6. Regular exercise - this is great to get stress levels down, and help regulate hormones too (which can contribute to bad skin) 7. Avoid caffiene/alcohol and smoking. 8. SUNSCREEN 9. Keep skin hydrated always - don't be scared of midday skin moisturising to top up dry skin. 10. Keep yourself hydrated - WATER
Secrets to looking young forever