/ I have spent so much money on different vitamin Cs and I saw
Maia Sasania
Ground Floor
I have spent so much money on different vitamin Cs and I saw absolutely no difference in my skin. I have a combo skin and though I'm 30 y/o I always had to wear a full coverage foundation because i had enlarged pores and seriously blemish-prone skin. That is UNTIL I stepped into Harrods and did a skin consultation (with a machine) with Skinceuticlas sales associate. She advised CE Feurilic for vitamin C (it is pretty much the ONLY vitamin C in the market that is stabilised) and retinol for the nighttime. At first, retinol did a number on me. I would peel, get small breakouts etc.. but when they say trust the process, it's for a reason. In about a month my skin started clearing up and the combination of the VIT C and Retinol really made it possible for me to wear CC creams and other lighter makeup products and show my skin. I have never felt particularly comfortable with my skin before, so seeing my skin VISIBLY brighten with CE Feurilic was a real win. I was advised Phyto A+ Brightening solution to ensure that my skin stays brightened. I would be grateful for the opportunity to try and test more of your products.