My top tips for skin health are
Know your skin type. It’s important to use products that are right for your skin rather than following a friends advice.
Do not use the same skin care products forever. Monitor your skin. Throughout your life your skin condition changes. It could go from oily and acne prone in your teens to dehydrated combination in your 30s so always use products aimed at your skin for that particular time period.
Be regimental and disciplined in your skincare regime both morning and night. Good skin requires some hard work.
Always use a high spf no matter the season or weather as uk as a high uv count.
Stay out of the sun between 11 am to 3 pm as this is when uv rays are strongest. Always wear a large sun hat and sunglasses to protect your eyes and face. This really helps to prevent dreaded crows feet and sun damage and premature ageing.
Change your skincare products depending on the season. In winter you would want a slightly richer cream to protect your skin barrier with lipids and ceramides. In summer. Months a lighter gel formulation.
A balanced diet is important . Eat a variety of fruit and vegetables. Complex carbs and good quality protein. Limit fatty sugary foods as they break down collagen.
Laugh a lot. Smile a lot. Think positive thoughts. You are the master of your own Happiness. Do things that make you happy. Self care is very important. Take that holiday. Have that spa break. Mani. Massage. Whatever takes your fancy. It really shows on your face.
Drink loads of water as hydration is key to good skin.
Sleep 8 hours a night. You Can’t put a price on a good nights sleep.
Listen to your skin. Change your products accordingly.
Thsnk you for this opportunity. Would love to try the cell cycle catalyst.
I hope you enjoy these tips.